

Saturday Sailing Not!

Well I intended to go sailing saturday but one thing after another ate up the whole day as I made my way to the boat. We finally got out of the marina about 5 pm and I realized that the battery was dead. We were planning on anchoring out for the night so this was a bit serious… no anchor light no depth gauges no lights inside or running lights.. So we turned right around and redocked. I drug out the charger but when I started to charge the battery the charger kept giving a F01 error and wouldn’t charge it.

Quickly I moved to plan B. B for Billy.. I called my friend Billy and asked if I could borrow a battery from him… 🙂 Billy is a champ and was able to help me. So about an hour and a half later we are back in business and leaving the dock. (I will be getting a second battery so that if something like this happens again it won’t turn into a emergency fixit situation.)

By now the evening is cooling off and there are not many people on the ICW. We motored down the 5 miles of ICW to Bird Island at Little River Inlet and anchored out on the backside of the island in the marsh. It was beautifull. We got set just before sunset and were able to get some great pictures as we sat in the cockpit relaxing.

I never even got the sails bent on but just motoring out and anchoring was balm for the soul.. It was a clear cool night and laying there going to sleep you could see the stars in the sky overhead. Life is good. 🙂


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