

Daisy disapears

Our dog Daisy disapeared thursday evening. (The electric radio fence that normally keeps her in died.. the best we can tell is lightening got it.. it looked as if someone put gun poweder in it and set it off. it blew the cover off and parts everywhere and charred the inside.) She is never gone long when she escapes the yard and she was all night. I spent several hours driving around the roads near here looking and calling for her. It left me with a real hollow feeling wondering what happened to her. Needless to say I didn’t sleep good. I kept getting up through the night and going to the porch and calling for her.

Friday I went out first thing in the morning and drove up and down all the roads within a couple miles of our house calling and looking for her.. after getting back to the house I printed up pictures of her with our phone numbers on it and started visiting houses and all the little gas station/stores around. When my sister nancy got her we went to animal control and reported her missing and looked to see if by some chance they had gotten her. no such luck.. we look for hours friday and again friday evening. late in the evening I found some people about a mile from the house that had seen her about 8:30 thursday evening. This gave a direction to look in. No luck that evening looking for her though. I did find the people that had taken Bo (Bones) in.. It was nice to talk with them and play with him for a few minutes.

Saturday about 6:30 I got a phone call from a guy that on his way to work thought he had seen her running down the side of 701 near the old county fairgrounds. We imeadiatly jumped in nancys car and spent the next 2 hours driving up and down all the roads withing a couple miles of there. Not hide nor hair of her was to be seen. We then went by the store (walkers variety) that the guy that called us owned and told him that we hadn’t been able to find her.. He told us in more detail just where he had seen her and we went back and started searching again.. about 15 minutes later as we turned down a side road off of hwy 701 she trotted out from behind a house and we pulled over.. 🙂 she was very very happy to see us. No problem getting her to jump in the car. 🙂 she got the front seat in nancy’s bug and I ended up crammed in the back under the hatch.. 🙂

I have to admit to being very relieved to find her alive and unhurt.. it was really traumatic for me to wonder what had happpend to her and not know if she was alive, stolen, injured or what had happened.

We also know now that she is not one of those dogs that can find her way home from accross the country.. she can get herself lost just going a mile or more away from home.

A new fence unit is on its way that should be more resistant to damage than the old one…

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